Simplest Truth

People have often said that we work for a better tomorrow all the time. With each passing day we grow more and more as a human race. But how far have we really come? We have built amazing structures and miraculous devices. Found cures for diseases and and even have satellites in space that can make Neptune seem close enough to reach out and touch. We have figured out the very pin point location to the tiniest infraction via that same satellite of those who are in danger and need emergency response teams. So why cant we solve the simplest of problems like world hunger and unemployment? After all it wouldn't make sense to solve a problem with a problem would it? It would be like answering a question with a question, wouldn't it?

Science and religion both have one definate truth... that we exist. They dont have any truth beyond that. This is proven to be true. Everything from before we as individuals were created is meerly a system of believes that we hold within oursleves. We know absolutely nothing beyond the fact that we are humans and alive. Though we have theories and again beliefs that we hold. But not one of us in the life time of the human race were there. No one can say for sure what we are here for. No one knows... Science and religion alike have a good idea in each field as to the who what when where how and why questions often asked... Yet nothing proves entirely true on either point. Science cant beat religion and likewise. This being said and taken as truth will help you understnad more the vission of United Growth Foundation.    


  1. First of all, I don't believe there are satellites in space, just like I don't believe we ever landed on the moon (I like conspiracy theories). But I get your point. I mean, I personally just think we're all here to do good, make the earth a better place for current & future generations, and just achieve happiness and fulfillment in life.. Whatever that may mean to each individual person. Like, what makes me happy is probably not the same thing that makes you happy. And that's okay. Everyone needs to find their happiness. And we all need to contribute to society and contribute to making the world a better place. And it doesn't even have to be anything big. It could be as simple as taking time out of our busy schedules to sit down and spend time with elderly nursing home patients or donating items that we no longer have a need for. You never know how much of an impact your actions will make, or how you could change someone's life just by doing something simple. It really I the simple things. ❤

  2. You make very valid points. Maybe it's why I question everything and also try to not take things at face value because if we can solve some issues why can't we solve them all. Why is we live in an area consumed by being rich and famous but if it wasn't for the little people behind the scenes none of this would have ever happened to begin with. Without the poor the rich would not be rich.


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